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Inter-Curricular Programs

Shakespearience has had programming at Mill Valley Middle School, Old Mill School, The Bolinas/Stinson School, JX Wilson School, St. John School, St. Vincent de Paul School, St. Finn Barr School, and The School of the Madeleine.

Program Options Include:

Shakespearience being taught in a school

Production Workshops

A production of Shakespeare's script, "Will Power", presented as a performance for the school.

This text was developed to examine the power of the will as an ensemble through Shakespeare's texts. It derives scenes from Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet in a chapter format. This gives students a solid familiarity with each of these great plays. It is designed to create teamwork and ensemble, while enabling personal expression and confidence.




An edited production of one of the following plays: Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, Twelfth Night.

Supports public speaking, listening, writing, language arts and social studies in CA Common Core.

5 - 6 weeks  |  3 - 5 hours per week for grades 5 - 12

Middle School Workshops

2 - 3 week workshops delving into Macbeth, R&J, Hamlet or Julius Caesar to support English and History curriculum. This is a dynamic way to bring the plays to life and make accessible the text and cultural connotations.

Sonnets, Swords & Stories!

An introduction to Shakespeare, using the stories behind selected plays, broadsword workshop and study of the Shakespearean Sonnet. Class culminates with a "Sonnet Salon", where teams of students perform selected Sonnets.

For grades 3 - 5

Rapier/Broadsword Workshop

Through one of Shakespeare's fight scenes, (such as Macbeth, Henry IV, R&J) our combat directors instruct in basic swordplay with the vocabulary of stage combat and text work. Number of sessions may vary and is flexible.

two students fight with stage swords
Kitty Thompson teaching in a classroom

Scene Study

Study of one of the following plays: Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, Twelfth Night.

One to three person scenes taken from the selected and studies play, staged and directed, memorized and presented to the class and or school.

Supports public speaking, listening, writing, language arts in CA Common Core

6 - 8 weeks  |  Two hours per week for grades 4 - 12

Shakespeare History

Covering daily life in the 1500 - 1600's, specific arts and cultural aspects of society, aristocracy, religion, Shakespeare's biography and the world of theatre in his time.

Stories behind specific Shakespeare platys. Works in concert with all other Shakespearience classes and may be used to support those classes from a dramaturgical standpoint. It is also an introduction to . . .  class which creates a foundation for language arts, social studies, writing, reading, drama, and visual arts.

Supports social studies, literacy and language arts in CA Common Core.

4 - 6 weeks  |  One hour per week for grades K - 8

High School Programming

For High Schools, Shakespearience offers, in conjunction with Literature, Social Studies, Sociology or Drama:

  • Scene Study, Soliloquy Study with focus on one play

  • Broadsword/Rapier fight scenes, featuring instruction with Danielle O'Dea

  • Improvisation, Text Work

  • Make Sense of That! Demystifying Shakespeare's greatest works

  • History of Shakespeare and current cultural paradigms

Please contact for a full price menu.

two stage teachers posing with swords

Sign up for one of our programs, support us through a donation, or contact us with questions.

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